welcome back to A-DJ-Hack-Every-Other-Day. preserving clean vinyl will enhance the noise high quality as well as lifetime of your records as well as cartridges. It’s likewise a excellent very first step when ripping the audio. This record cleaning system is developed from the platter of an old turntable as well as a canister vacuum. The […]
As an emulator enthusiast Oscar was frustrated by the button placement on his Pocket PC. He decided to adapt an NES controller to the PDA. The iPAQ had four buttons plus a D-pad like the controller so he just needed to find a way to translate between the two. The answer came from a Belkin […]
From debug messages to the fundamental ‘hello world’, serial communication does it all over three little wires. now imagine being able to cut the cord to your next microcontroller project and use your phone as a VT100 terminal. This was the premise of [Ondřej Hruška]’s Wireless terminal Project where he took an ESP8266 and added an in-browser terminal emulator which can be accessed […]
If [Fluke]’s comment is correct, then the Sony PSP 2.01 firmware is already in the wild. here is a helpful Hack-A-Day guide so you can tell at a glance whether you should upgrade your firmware. All you have to do is compare the firmware version number to the previous release: If the first digit has […]
If you measure a DC voltage, and want to get some idea of how “big” it is over time, it’s pretty easy: just take a number of measurements and take the average. If you’re interested in the average power over the same timeframe, it’s likely to be pretty close (though not identical) to the same […]
check out this robot arm capable of handwriting which is orders of magnitude clearer than our own. It was built by [Patrick Barnes] as contract work for a campaign to raise funding for research into Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Don’t miss the video after the break which starts off with the satisfying whine of some major stepper motors. […]
This job is in one of our preferred categories; the kind where asking “why?” is the wrong question. [Berto A.] developed the gadget after observing some power generation by putting a big magnet next to a mechanical relay coil as well as swiftly clicking the relay’s lever. From this humble beginning he developed up the […]
The normal way of adding GPS capabilities to a project is grabbing an off-the-shelf GPS module, plugging it into a UART, and reading the stream of NMEA sentences coming out of a serial port. depending on how much you spend on a GPS module, this is fine: the best modules out there start up quickly, and […]
Researchers from the Argus research team found a way to hack into the Bosch Drivelog ODB-II dongle and inject any kind of malicious packets into the CAN bus. This allowed them to, among other things, stop the engine of a moving automobile by connecting to the dongle by means of Bluetooth. Drivelog is Bosch’s smart device for collecting […]
These are the golden Years of electronics hacking. The house diy hacker can get their hands on virtually any type of part that he or she might desire, as well as for not much money. two economic factors underlie this garden of electronic Eden that we’re living in. Economies of scale make the parts cheap: […]