We like alternate inputs. They can revitalize an old traditional or add a twist to many any type of mundane task. Here, we see a ideal example where the game Punch Out for the NES is being managed by a punching bag type thing. The effect sensors were made by hand, as well as wired […]

HACK-A-DAY additional

I’ve got my new box up as well as running. I set up it on Monday afternoon as well as started looking into OSx86 considering that I wished to triple boot the box with XP MCE as well as Linux. After walking into a number of dead ends I made a decision to stop for […]


This is a tidy looking banner image. but according to [Ian] it includes 52KB of source code. You can’t just read out all of that data. Well, you can but it will be gibberish. before hiding the bits in plain sight he encrypted them with two different keys. He’s using AES-256 encryption to keep his data […]


This robot juggler, pictured above during its appearance at Amper 2010, can keep five balls in the air at once. It was designed by the department of control engineering at the Czech Technical Institute in Prague. We know it doesn’t look like much in that still image, but the two videos embedded after the break are pure […]

ROBOT BARTENDER mixes A mean drink

Back in 2002, [Dave] came across a discarded PUMA robotic arm and quickly set his sights on turning it into a bartender to serve drinks at his parties. Unfortunately, the arm was far from operational and being an engineer at his day job meant that working on this project was the last thing he wanted […]


GNUCITIZEN has published info on linksys wireless IP cam hacking. It turns out that some designs send the administrator individual name as well as password to the computer when the configuration wizard requests a connection. In theory, somebody might send the request as well as gather your passwords wirelessly. This seems like a quite careless […]


[Nick] is a bit of an LED fanatic. So when his manager asked him to assist make an LED Christmas tree for work, he jumped at the opportunity! It’s a lovely build, making utilize of laser(?) cut plexiglass disks, wooden “trunks” made utilizing a lathe, as well as a ton of RGB LEDs. Unfortunately—because it […]

HACKING together two shop VACUUMS

regrettably the result of hacking together two shop vacuums isn’t a double-power monstrosity. This is really the story of integrating damaged as well as substandard parts into one usable machine. The people at the Shackspace originally gotten a affordable shop vacuum whose motor provided up the ghost method as well quickly. The replacement had only a […]