The team at leaf Labs just released a new library to demonstrate the VGA capabilities of their Maple dev board. Although it’s only a 16 by 18 pixel image, it shows a lot of development over past video implementations on the Maple.
The Maple is a terrific little Ardunio-compatible board with a strangely familiar IDE. We’ve covered the Maple before. instead of the somewhat limited AVR, the Maple uses an ARM running at 72MHz, making applications requiring some horsepower or strict timing a lot easier.
We’ve seen a few projects use the enhanced power, like a guitar effects shield. It’s possible the Maple could be made into a game console that would blow the Uzebox out of the water, but we’re wondering what hackaday readers would use this dev board for.
Watch the video after the jump to see how far the Maple’s VGA capability has come after only a few months, or check out leaf Lab’s Maple libraries.