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ever so slowly, we’re inching towards a world of Internet-based electronic design tools. The state of these tools, including Upverter and other cloud-based solutions, hasn’t been all that terrific until now; with any new piece of schematic capture and PCB layout software, the libraries will be woefully inadequate in the beginning. This is about to change, because is now allowing Eagle libraries to be imported.

As you may well be aware, Eagle is the de facto conventional for homebrew and hobbyist schematic capture and board layout software. even though Eagle isn’t open source and is limited to rather small PCBs with the totally free version, somehow Eagle has retained its popularity, many likely due to the substantial number of component libraries available.

By allowing users and designers to import Eagle libraries, the folks at are capitalizing on a substantial amount of work done by designers and engineers over the years in creating customized Eagle parts for just about every component imaginable. It’s a terrific accomplishment for the team and a boon for anybody wanting to relocation their PCB design tools over to the cloud.

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